
Step 5:
Connection to Another Situation






The Parson showed his love for his parishioners
by making sure that they had the support of the
church at critical times in their lives. When the
members of his parish were in need, even though

           Wide was his parish, with houses far
           asunder, yet he neglected not in rain or
           thunder, in sickness or in grief, to pay
           a call on the remotest, whether great or
           small, upon his feet and in his hand a stave
           (Carlsen 97).

The Parson would go anywhere at any time and
in any weather to help his people, no matter
what problems they had. Though he didn't have
a horse to ride, he was still willing to go on foot
to help them

The Parson was the perfect leader for the
community, as he set a good example of kindness
to others that the townspeople would hopefully
follow. He was quite different from the Friar and
the Pardoner, who were only interested in cheating
and hurting the common people that they came in
contact with.

In India, Mother Theresa has shown an incredible
amount of love to the dying, the poor, and the
unwanted, as she has set up hospitals and shelters
for those whom the society has not considered
important enough to merit care. Her Missionaries
of Charity have done much good around the world
(Buresz 53).

Connection: Give a contemporary application of what is shown
     in the quote, illustrating how the quote compares (or perhaps
     contrasts) with human nature or situations
     that exist today or in another place
Give concrete, specific examples with enough detail to prove
     to the reader that you really understand your connection.
"Hitler was a bad guy" is not a particularly informative connection.
Make your connection interesting without being too exhaustive.

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  © 2002  j r Andrews